The crew from Resolution Copper Company.

  Students at the Superior High School had the opportunity to meet with local and regional colleges last week.  The morning consisted of meeting with each of the recruiters from the schools and learning more about the schools and the programs that they offer.  Colleges attending included Prescott College, Western New Mexico University, Grand Canyon University, Central Arizona College and Universal Technical Institute.  There were also Army recruiters on hand to talk about military service and Resolution Copper attended the the event to talk about career opportunities with Resolution Copper.  

  The big three Arizona Universities, Arizona State University, Northern Arizona University and University of Arizona visit Superior High School throughout the year; five members of the class of 2019 are currently enrolled at Arizona State University.

  Several of the students commented that they plan to attend Central Arizona College to take advantage of the Promise for the Future program then transfer to larger universities. Greg Ramirez, a freshman, and Daniel Delgado, a sophomore, shared that they were interested in attending Western New Mexico University because they have many extra curricular programs that involve outdoor recreation.  Ramirez plans to become an underwater welder and Delgado would like to have a career in culinary arts.