The first meeting of the Ray Schools PTO

  Parents of students at Ray Unified School District have started an official Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) to help support the local school district.  

  During its first official meeting last week, the parents discussed a variety of projects including a special first day of school photo booth, the new procedures for electronic submission of Boxtops and an upcoming reading program.  President Melissa Day explained that the organization is now officially affiliated with the PTO organization and they will need to pay their charter insurance and a bank account has officially been opened.

  The group discussed ways to raise money and how to help support other morale building activities for students and teachers.  

  The PTO also voted to officially study a change to policy at the school district that would ban students from having their cell phones at school.  Parents discussed some of the problems their children face due to the use of cell phones and potentials for cyber bullying.  The group decided to continue to study this topic before recommending a policy change to the school board.

  The new PTO does not require dues, but those who do fill out a membership form are asked to make a donation to fund the organization.  The group is in its infancy stages and will be setting an official meeting date.  To learn more about the Ray PTO you can contact them via email at or you can also follow them on Facebook.