The Vietnam 7 Memorial

You might have missed a recent article in the Miner, even though the subject was covered in two different issues. (May 8 and May 29, 2019) Perhaps you skimmed it or skipped it completely for whatever reason. The articles were about the dedication of the Tri-Community Vietnam Memorial and I wanted to call attention to just how wonderful this project was and is. 

  The names of seven young men adorn this new memorial, seven young men who died serving their country, leaving behind many who loved them. Memorials serve as a reminder of lives lost much too soon, a reminder for those left behind that their loved one will not be forgotten by future generations.  Memorials are a visible reminder that in this busy, crazy, technology-filled world, the sacrifice these young men made shouldn’t fade away, but should be honored and remembered. 

  What you also might have missed in the articles were the names of the many volunteers involved in the project. The memorial workers that dedicated their time, materials and talents to bring this project to completion. I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for making the decision to help bring this Tri-Community Vietnam Memorial to life. You are each amazing!

  I was quite young during the Vietnam conflict. I wasn’t impacted by these losses. I don’t even remember hearing about any of these young men as I grew up in San Manuel. I do know though, that I was touched by the articles, touched by the list of fallen heroes and their “stories”, touched by the list of volunteers who gave of their talents and time to make sure these young men will always be remembered for their sacrifice for the sake of my freedom and yours. 

  Thank you, 

/s/ Joellen (Thomas) Brown 

West Virginia