By Karen Hauca

Many of us are familiar with the Eddie Murphy movie Beverly Hills Cop.  While the theme song sung by Glenn Frey, “The Heat Is On” is about the police going after the bad guy, it certainly describes the summers here in Arizona.

  Summer officially started this year on Friday, June 21, and with it comes the warmer and HOTTER days of summer.  This is the time we are outside more enjoying the beauty of this state and all it has to offer.  Some people must work in the hotter temperatures no matter how hot it gets.  So, heat safety isn’t just for those enjoying their vacation or time relaxing outdoors.

  As many of us who live in the desert are aware, the higher temperatures can quickly cause dehydration and bring on potentially life-threatening heat-related medical issues.  During our hot summer days our body still sweats even though our skin may appear to be dry.  The lower humidity we have here in the desert can evaporate our sweat making it look like we are not all that hot so the summer heat isn’t a problem, but IT IS!!

  There are three stages of summer heat-related medical issues that can happen and rapid recognition and treatment of those issues can help save a life or prevent any permanent damage to someone’s body.  Signs and symptoms of heat related illness are:

Heat Related Illness

  Once you recognize the signs of a heat-related illness you must act quickly!  What can you do to help a person experiencing a heat-related illness?  Follow these guidelines but above all, when in doubt or if the person shows signs of a serious issue DO NOT HESITATE to call 9-1-1!!

  Before the arrival of emergency medical personal here are some steps you can take to help a person exhibiting signs of a heat-related illness:

Heat Related Illness & Treatments

  While everyone can experience a heat-related illness the most susceptible groups are the very young, the elderly and those with certain medical conditions.  When a heat wave hits always check on elderly neighbors and family members, keep children indoors, check on anyone you know who has a heat-sensitive illness.  And NEVER HESITATE to call 9-1-1 if you have any doubt about a person’s condition.

AZ Safety Solutions is firefighter/EMT owned safety education company dedicated to providing the community we serve the very best in safety education.  Our instructors have a combined 85(+) years of field emergency response and teaching experience.  You can contact us by calling AZ Safety Solutions at (520) 838-4508 or via email at