On Monday, May 13, many Hayden High School students were recognized for their academic dedication and commitment as they pursue their educational goals of outstanding achievement.
Before awards were presented, the honor societies held their annual inductions. Mrs. Laura E. Lopez sponsor for Leonor Hambly K-8 National Junior Honor Society presented the following students with certificates and lanyards for their service this past year. President Karina Inzunza, Vice-President Brandon Garner, Secretary Alejandro Lorona, Business Manager Fabian Elvira, 8th grade members Jeremy Aguirre , Dionna Benavidez-Galindo, Sativa Carrazco, Julian Cruz, Moraes Cruz, Staci Dodson, Javier Gonzalez, Yliana Montijo, Lorena Olmedo, Damien Smith, Raquela Westrope 7th grade members Karissa Acuna, Dominic Alvarado, Christopher Casillas, Ismael Gallego, Carmelita Hernandez, Keiston Pool, Victor Quintana 6th grade members Matthew Armenta, Elijah Castaneda, Junior Contreras, Paul Gaither, JJ Manriquez, Dallas Mariscal, Selestina Quintana, Makayla Rivera. New members included Xavier Aguirre, Sienna Gonzales, Oscar Rodriguez, Anjelo Castillo, Tyler Garner, Mario Hong, Kino Lorona, Julian Mariscal, Aden Ochoa, Brycen Ornelas, Abrianna Torrez.
Miss Helene Martinez and Mrs. Jacque Pool co-sponsors for Hayden High School National Honor Society acknowledged current members: Seniors: Robert Casillas, Angelita Casillas, Kayla Islava and Robert Manriquez; Juniors: Clarissa Gonzalez and Javier Lopez; Sophomores: Sarrah Perez, Lyana Romero, Manny Guillen, Ana Ahumada and Devina Estrada; New inductees this year are: Lorena Olmedo, Dionna Galindo-Benavidez, Brandon Garner, Damien Smith, Alejandro Lorona, Moraes Cruz, Karina Inzunza, Julian Cruz, Sativa Carrasco, Javier Gonzalez, Raquela Westrope, Jeremy Aguirre, Fabian Elvira, Staci Dodson, Annmarie Canisales, Jasmine DeLosReyes, Kiana Castenada, Leticia Cruz, Amariz Ochoa, Meiyah Stacey, Arthur Castillo, Olivia Romero, Aliana Galindo-Benavidez, Adrian Estrada, Adriano Cruz, Caroline Monroy, Pedro Lovio-Gallego, Cassandra Lopez, Ahleah Arbizo, Vincente Aguirre, Damien Arbizo, Anahi Aragon, Fabian Canisales, and Kirstin Hise. Also the following students were given certificates for their service in Student Council this past year: President Robert Casillas, Vice-President Kayla Islava, Secretary Angelita Casillas, and Business Manager Lyana Romero.
Integrated Science, Biology and Chemistry teacher Mr. Bill Deere began the night of awards with the following certificates: Chemistry: Clarissa Gonzalez, Biology: Manuel Guillen, Sarrah Perez and Diego Rubal. Integrated Science: Amariz Ochoa and Greace Ramirez-Corona.
Law and Enforcement Safety teacher Mr. Ramon Gonzalez presented Leticia Valenzuela and Lyana Romero with outstanding certificates.
Education Professions teacher Mrs. Angelita Gregorich presented the following awards to her students: Sportsmanship Omar Lopez, Citizenship Award to Cassandra Lopez, Outstanding Student to Angelita Casillas, Robert Casillas and Clarissa Gonzalez. The followed students passed CTE Technial Skills Assessment Ahleah Arbizo, Javier Canisales, Diego Garcia, Clarissa Gonzalez, Julianna Hong, Robert Manriquez, Carol Monroy, Jorge Rodriguez, Ariana Pacheco.
English and Literature Class teacher Mrs. Laura E. Lopez began with STAR Reading Awards for At/Above Benchmark Robert Manriquez, Javier Lopez, Leticia Cruz, Mia Anaya, Aiyana Gonzales, Aaron Lopez, Greace Ramirez-Corona. Also with Gains of One Grade Level or more Shelby Anderson, Emiliana Camarena, Jorge Rodriguez, Arthur Castillo, Josiel Rodriguez, Olivia Romero, Mia Anaya,Roman Mariscal, Seth Slate, Pablo Torres. NWEA Outstanding Gains Pablo Acuna, Shelby Anderson, Vincente Gallego, Peter Kame, Diego Rubal, Arthur Castillo, Analicia Cruz, Adrian Estrada, Devina Estrada, Aliana Galindo-Benavidez, Emmanuel Garcia, Annalecia Gonzalez, Moses Gonzalez, Manuel Guillen, Sarrah Perez, Josiel Rodriguez, Lyana Romero, Olivia Romero, Sonia Urias, Leticia Valenzuela, Octavio Aragon, Roman Mariscal, Aaron Peed, Seth Slate, Meiyah Stacey. Young Author Awards were earned by Ariana Allen, Emma Torres, Emialiano Camarena, Clarissa Gonzalez, Javier Lopez, Manuel Guillen, Sarrah Perez, Lyana Romero, Sonia Urias and Aaron Lopez. Text Analysis Awards were Noah Monroy, Julian Corona, Jorge Rodriguez, Ariana Pacheco, Adrian Estrada, Leticia Valenzuela, Octavio Aragon, Greace Ramirez-Corona. Presentation Awards pertaining to The Holocaust were given to Ariana Allen, Emma Torres, Robert Manriquez, Joel Rodriguez, Vincente Gallego, Javier Lopez, Diego Rubal and “House on Mango Street” by Sandra Cisneros to Ariza Castillo. Most Improved in English were Emma Torres, Ahleah Arbizo, Sonia Urias, and Pablo Torres. Students with the highest grade average were Freshmen: Aaron Lopez, Sophomore Sarrah Perez, Juniors: Javier Lopez and Carol Monroy Seniors: Ariana Allen and Emma Torres. Hayden High School has been designated as a No Place for Hate School 2018-2019 by Anti-Defamation League and Mrs. Lopez presented certificates to the following students on the No Place for Hate Committee Student Leader Carol Monroy, Robert Manriquez, Noah Monroy, Joel Rodriguez, Ariana Pacheco, Jorge Rodriguez, Adriano Cruz, Josiel Rodrgiuez, Lastly, Robert Bohrn received a certificate for Outstanding Aide of the Year.
Health, Driver Education and Career Exploration teacher Mrs. Lydia Martinez presented Top Student Awards in Health to Sarrah Perez, Lyana Romero, Sonia Urias and Leticia Valenzuela. Driver Education Top Students were Manuel Guillen and Josiel Rodriguez, and Career Exploration Top Students were Greace Ramirez-Corona, Aiyana Gonzales, and Aaron Lopez.
Social Studies teacher Mrs. Jacque Pool presented World History Top Student Awards to Aaron Lopez, Amariz Ochoa, Aiyana Gonzales. Top Presentation to Ariza Castillo, Aiyana Gonzales, Julian Gonzales, Aaron Lopez, Amariz Ochoa, Greace Ramirez-Corona and Most Knowledgeable to Octavio Aragon. U.S. History Top Students were Clarissa Gonzalez and Javier Lopez, Most Knowledgeable to Javier Lopez and Top Presentation to Peter Kame. In American Government/Economics Top Students were Angelita Casillas, Robert Casillas and Kayla Islava, Most Knowledgeable to Javier Canisales and Top Presentation to Kayla Islava, Fabian Canisales and Javier Canisales.
Business Martketing teacher Mrs. Nannette Moreno presented Top Student Award to Emma Torres.
Math awards for Mrs. Maria Ochoa and Ms. Christa Roenfanz were in Algebra I Amariz Ochoa, Leticia Cruz, Aaron Peed, Randy Christianson, Octavio Aragon, Aiyana Gonzales, Aaron Lopez, and Greace Ramirez-Corona. Algebra II recognitions were Javier Lopez, Peter Kame, Vincente Gallego, Pablo Acuna, Ahleah Arbizo, Clarissa Gonzalez, Carol Monroy, Shelby Anderson. Geometry Top Students Manuel Guillen, Sarrah Perez, Moses Gonzalez, Lyana Romero. Pre-Calculus Awards were Ariana Allen, Robert Casillas, Angelita Casillas, Kayla Islava, and Emma Torres. Daily Math Skills Master were Amariz Ochoa, Miranda Gomez, Peter Kame, Javier Lopez, Pablo Acuna, Ahleah Arbizo, Sarrah Perez, Josiel Rodriguez and Devina Estrada.
Spanish teacher Mrs. Priscilla Torres-Westrope presented Aiyana Gonzales, Aaron Lopez, Greace Ramirez-Corona, and Lyana Romero for top honors in Spanish I. Top students in Spanish II were Angelita Casillas, Robert Casillas and Kayla Islava.
The following students were given certificates for honor roll Leticia Cruz, Omar Lopez, Olivia Romero, Andrew Sims, Miranda Gomez, Aaron Lopez, Greace Ramirez-Corona, Aiyana Gonzales, Pedro Lovio-Gallego, Josiel Rodriguez, Joel Rodriguez, Amariz Ochoa, Carol Monroy. Two Consecutive Semester Honor Roll Ahleah Arbizo, Leticia Valenzuela. Three Consecutive Semester Honor Roll Manuel Guillen, Sarrah Perez, Lyana Romero, Analicia Cruz. Four Consecutive Semester Honor Roll Anahi Aragon and Ariana Allen. Five Consecutive Semester Honor Roll Javier Lopez and Clarissa Gonzalez. Seven Consecutive Semester Honor Roll Angelita Casillas, Robert Casillas, and Kayla Islava.
The evening ended with class top honors: Freshmen Aaron Lopez and Amariz Ochoa, Sophomore Manuel Guillen and Junior Javier Lopez. Recipients of Scholar Athlete Awards presented by Army Staff Sergeant Baxter were Javier Lopez and Clarissa Gonzalez.