From 1 Corinthians 13:2 – “If I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, but have no love, I am nothing.”  Faith is that deep down hope that says – I know I can, I know I can!  I can, because God’s power is at work in me doing what I can’t do by myself.

  With God, all things are possible – only believe.  Doubt is the enemy of faith, a thorn in our flesh.  It causes failure and frustration; and it leads us down the wrong road of life.

  Jesus told His disciples – you couldn’t heal this person because your faith is too small.  Faith is the ‘ability’ to believe.  It is alive – it can grow or diminish in size and strength.  It can cause great things to be done or it can sit down quietly and do nothing.  The choice is yours.

  God is not impressed by our religious knowledge, but by our faith, trust and love in Him.  So learn to walk with Him and talk with Him – life will get really exciting