The Superior Dance Company. Photo by Phalicitee “Pinky” Thomas

  The Superior Dance Company will be performing at the Arizona State Fair on Sunday, Oct. 21, at 2 p.m. on the Wallace & Ladmo Stage.

  The dancers, ages 3 – 14, have been practicing for the hour-long performance, many times on their own at home.

  “I am just so excited because my dancers have been working really hard at practice,” said Billy Jo Villaverde, the owner of Superior Dance Company. “I rely on these dancers practicing at home, and they sure do. I can’t wait for them to show the crowd at the AZ State Fair what we love to do – dance and have fun.”

  The Arizona State Fair is located on the grounds of Veteran’s Memorial Coliseum in Phoenix. For more information, including parking and a map of the fairgrounds, please visit,