Team photo L to R: Ethan Erickson, Emma Rios, Elijah Powell, Audrey Cordrey, Kiera Tafoya, Emerick Montano, Luci Chavez, Jazlyn Ellis. Not pictured: Sebastian Hennaman.

  The Mountain Vista Cross Country team celebrated the end of the season this week with a potluck at the Mt. Vista cafeteria.

  Coach Brady Whitman said the team did well considering they competed against much bigger schools due to a lack of teams in the Central Junior High School League. The team traveled to different meets around the state and they did not have any home meets.

  One of the outstanding runners this year was Luci Chavez.  She finished in 2nd Place at a Kiwanis meet where there were over 200 runners and 9th overall at the Regionals.

  This year’s runners were: Luci Chavez, Emma Rios, Audrey Cordrey, Kiera Tafoya, Jazlyn Ellis, Ethan Erickson, Elijah Powell, Emerick Montano, and Sebastian Hennaman.

  Congratulations on a good season!