Oracle Fire District Chief Robert Jennings and Oracle Firewise Board President Mary Harris present a Firewise property of the year award to Juan Rodriguez and his son.

  At the Oracle Firewise Board meeting held on Sept. 11, 2018 at the Oracle Fire District station, the winners of the 2018 Firewise were announced.

  Following a moment of silence for the victims of the 9/11 terrorist attack and the Pledge of Allegiance, Firewise President Mary Harris presented plaques to this year’s winners of the Firewise Property of the Year.

  This year’s award was given to Juan and Maria Rodriguez, owners of DeMarco’s Restaurant.

  Pinal County Public Works was also given an award for the outstanding job they did clearing brush and cleaning up the roadway along American Ave. Their work not only made the area look nicer and created more defensible space in case of fire but made the road safer. 

Oracle Fire District Chief Robert Jennings and Oracle Firewise Board President Mary Harris present a Firewise property of the year award to Pinal County Public Works for their work along American Ave.