Arizona State Forester Willie Sommers speaks about the grant process as WNRCD Clerk Christ Postel and Chairman Bill Dunn listen.

  “The major hurdles are behind us, and only the final clearance remains for the project to begin,” said Willie Sommers, from the Southeast District for Arizona’s Department of Forestry and Fire Management. The project is a grant of $70,000 from the Federal Emergency Management Authority to the Winkelman Natural Resource Conservation District (WNRCD) and the Town of Kearny for the eradication of highly-flammable tamarisks (also known as salt cedars) along the town lands which border the Gila River. The whole project will have a $93,000 budget.

  One hundred and five acres of Kearny lands are involved. The grant from FEMA will be matched with voluntary labor and the loan of equipment. It is anticipated that inmates from the state prison at Perryville will assist with manual labor. Much of the work will be contracted out using grant funds.

  The WNRCD has been patiently shepherding this project with assistance from the State of Arizona, keeping the Town of Kearny involved. The news from Willie Sommers was given at a work session with the WNRCD last week.

  If final approval comes soon, the work could begin by Oct. 1. All work must be brought to completion by March 31, when protected birds make their return to the area.