A hug for Pilot

  Recently, the Pinal County Attorney’s Office began production on a video featuring the newest member of their staff, Pilot: a nationally certified Service Animal that has been trained and approved to work in all facilities and in public.

  Debbie Boyle, his caregiver and handler, has had him for two-and-a-half years and is a Victim Advocate in the Victim Services Division.Pilot is a member of Court House Dogs Foundation and has met all standards set by Assistance Dogs International. He will accompany victims in the courtroom, thereby alleviating fear and anxiety experienced in such a setting.

Pilot with two visitors to the court.

  Pinal County Attorney, Kent Volkmer, said, ““Science has proven that allowing individuals in high stress situations to interact with facility animals can help to provide comfort, decrease anxiety and release endorphins that have a calming effect.  Science has also shown the simple act of petting an animal produces an automatic relaxation response.”

  Pilot will be available for both children and adults. He has been meeting the judges in Pinal County and has been warmly welcomed.
