Some mornings I am awakened by my busy mind, doing and thinking everything a hundred miles an hour! I have things to do! In my mind I go over the list of “important things” that “have to be done”! I am not even out of bed from a night of rest and I am tired already!? I get up, turn on the TV to see what has happened in the world overnight that might need my attention; from wars, political infighting, to marches, more things to add to my busy day! I know I have to take care of all of this today. At the same time I check my cell phone to look for messages from family and friends to find out what emergencies they have that need my immediate attention. Oh my, it is going to be a busier day than I thought!

  Then I pour the first cup of coffee and sit down for my morning breakfast. I look out our dining room window and see the mesquite trees just starting to break out with new leaves and new life! The humming birds are already at the feeder having their morning breakfast. The rabbits are up, nibbling at the new growth popping up from the ground. Winter is over and spring is here! All this happened without anyone consulting me!

  Like the hummingbird, who seems to be able to pause in mid-air and look around, we need to sometimes stop and pause, rethink where we are and where we are going.

  Most things are out of our control, these are things we need to trust God and know He is willing and able to take care of! We can start by doing what we can—a warm greeting to those we meet, a word of encouragement when we see someone down, a hand out to someone in need.

  This is what we do at Family First, as we are sometimes overwhelmed by families and all the needs they have. We start with one mom, one child at a time! One class to teach a mom how to install a car seat, a couple of diapers to help that mom make her baby’s day a little drier! We just changed the world!

  Take time today, look around and see where you are, who is around you, do what you can do. Trust and thank God, because He is in control. Look out the window, spring is here!

God Bless,

/s/ Frank & Clare Grochocki