Acadia Ranch Dedication 1978, Dr. Shawn Medley on front porch

  The Oracle Community Center wants to see Oracle “Thru Your Eyes.”

  Bring a photograph/photographs of you, your family, or anything that represents the Community of Oracle for a visual display in the Oracle Community Center. This can be a current or a photograph from the past.

  This family friendly exhibit will be on display at the Oracle Community Center.


• Bring a photograph, any size, such as a 4”x6” snap shot by July 7, 2018.

• If using a vintage family heirloom photo please create a photocopy instead of the “real” photo.

• Please include a brief note about the content of the photograph and the date on a separate piece of paper, to be displayed below your photo.

• Bring your note and photograph to the Library, Oracle Community Center or Oracle Visitors Center for collection.

• These will be collected and displayed on a banner that will stretch along the interior wall of the Oracle Community Center for every ones enjoyment.

• Each photograph will be attached with contact glue (rubber cement) so they can be re- moved from the banner after August 30, 2018,

• If you want your photograph returned please stop by the Community Center to pick them up Aug. 30.