In Luke 1:74 and 75 we read – “We are to serve the Lord without fear, in holiness and righteousness all the days of our lives.”  Allowing sin in our daily lives, can really clog up the system, causing many problems.

  Because our Lord is a God of love, we have no need to be afraid of fulfilling His purpose in our lives.  As we live in obedience, our passion grows and His presence fills us head to toe.

  Our calling or job is to serve.  It is an honor to help others, to see them step up and accomplish God’s will for their lives.  God has placed and positioned us in such a way, that the Kingdom of Heaven advances into our future.

  We are all ministers of the Gospel, leading others into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.  This is not a ‘pulpit’ type of position, but an opportunity to share salvation and healing with our neighbors and friends, one on one.  It is what God wants us to do!