Rancho Linda Vista 50th anniversary celebration

  On Memorial Day weekend, Rancho Linda Vista celebrated 50 years of growth as a creative community.

  The ranch was purchased in 1968 by a group of 11 families associated with the University of Arizona, many of them artists.

  Over the years this artist community has touched the lives of and influenced many artists in Arizona, the United States and countries around the world. 

  The celebration included art and architecture displays, tours of some of the homes, a poetry reading by William Pitt Root and Pamela Uschuk, music, food and more. The art displays featured current artists living at Rancho Linda Vista, art from former residents of the ranch and guest artists who have stayed at the ranch over the years. On Sunday there was a wrap-up party at the Triangle L Ranch.

  Congratulations Rancho Linda Vista. May you continue to inspire the community for many more years!

Rancho Linda Vista 50th anniversary celebration

Rancho Linda Vista 50th anniversary celebration

Rancho Linda Vista 50th anniversary celebration

Rancho Linda Vista 50th anniversary celebration

Rancho Linda Vista 50th anniversary celebration

Rancho Linda Vista 50th anniversary celebration

Rancho Linda Vista 50th anniversary celebration