Artists and Boonie LeBlanc of Wild Cow Gallery in Superior.

Located on Magma Ave., you will find the Wild Cow Gallery, home of the Cactus Moon Foundation.  As you enter, you will see a large horse sculpture and colorful flags to greet you.  The Wild Cow Gallery features the art of many local artists including David Bentancourt, Terry Stone, Maya Barton, L. Woods, Tor, Deb Sears Michaele Cozzi, Charles Davison, Deb Olsen and Marilee Lasch, all for sale in the gallery.

  You will find a wide variety of art from these artists including bright folklore paintings, custom bells and bowls, wood sculptures, jewelry, multi-media arts and photography.  Residents of Superior and Pinal County do qualify for a 20 percent discount on the art being sold in the gallery.

  The gallery helps to provide financial support to the Cactus Moon Foundation, the foundation was formed by Boonie LeBlanc and his sister.  Originally the foundation assisted Native American artists from New Mexico, Arizona and California.  They provide financial assistance to pay for registrations, travel and other expenses for their artists to attend art shows  such as the Santa Fe Art Show, and many others in the Southwest.  They also help these focussed artist to learn the business side of promoting their artistic works. 

  The Cactus Moon Foundation is now focusing on supporting local artists in Superior, the Copper Corridor, Pinal County and Arizona.  By taking a more local approach they hope to provide assistance to locals who need assistance.  To be considered by the foundation for support, artists should make an appointment with Boonie to have their artwork reviewed.  If selected the artist must commit to creating a number of pieces that can be sold or reproduced to support the foundation. 

  One of the artists featured in the gallery and was an original donor to the foundation, L. Woods.  Woods, one of the most prolific folk artists, she donated over 300 pieces that have been sold to support the foundation.  She has also visited Superior where she hosted several painting and art classes.  She will be returning to Superior in 2019. 

  The Wild Cow Gallery has also opened their doors to school children, hosting Headstart for field trips and also working with schools in the Copper Corridor and the East Valley where the curriculum encourages students and their family to visit an art gallery.

  The Wild Cow Art Gallery supports local business collaboration and plans to help support and plan future art events in Superior.

  The gallery is open for summer hours 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.Thursday through Saturday and noon to 3 p.m. on Sunday.  They can also open by appointment if needed by texting Boonie at 512-749-3846. From October through the end of May they are open seven days a week.