With Father’s Day just around the corner, I felt the need to honor all fathers for their important roles in our lives.  I especially want to honor another man who is an exceptional father, grandfather, and great-grandfather.  My husband of 42 years, Frank, has been an inspiration to his family, and to everyone who knows him.

  In 2008, a man gained much notoriety, by speaking his  mind to the press. He has since been known as “JOE THE PLUMBER”.  My husband, being a very humble man, would laugh at the title I will give him now …”FRANK THE MINER”!  He has earned this title by working at the same job for 55 years!

  (I will pause here to let that sink in!)

  Yes, Frank has worked in the mining industry for all of his, and my, adult life.  He contends that this will be his last year but, I will believe that when I see it!

  I am very proud of my husband’s strong work ethic.  The children,  knew that Dad was happiest when he walked in the door after his shift.  They also knew that, there was about a 10-minute window of time when they could ask him for anything, and he would comply.  After that time expired, all bets were off.

  As for me, I have seen Frank endure the lean times, as well as enjoying  the prosperous ones.  I saw him , as a young man, having one vehicle to make the 2-hour daily commute to to his job, not hesitate to leave that car at home, if I needed it, and catch a ride to work.  When the doctor said that my elderly mother could no longer live alone, Frank took on a hefty mortgage and purchased a home with room for mom to come home with us.  He is a very generous man and never passes up the opportunity to donate to charity and help those in need.

  Frank has been a fan of the outdoors, as well as, a die-hard Sun Devil. He has been blessed with a large family who see him as a true model of Fatherhood, and I have been blessed to share his life.

  With all this being said, one might wonder why I wanted to write this.  I guess I feel that young men, and women, need to hear that it CAN be done.  Anyone, through diligence, and hard work, can make a difference in this world…not only for themselves, but for others too.  And, to all the great men and women who strive to do the best for their loved ones, we salute you!


/s/ Carmen Pacheco

Apache Junction (formerly of the Copper Basin Area)