The state of Arizona is experiencing a drought situation and the time is approaching when Kearny will receive a drought alert. The Town of Kearny has released some facts to help citizens prepare for this alert in advance, including what it could entail and how the impact a drought has on the community can be lessened to make any required water-use restrictions as painless as possible.

  A representative of the Town of Kearny stated, “The Town of Kearny feels it is responsible for helping prepare our residents for this drought alert. Due to lack of rain, the Gila Water Commissioner notified the Town of Kearny’s water apportionment for the year, has been cut in half at this time. The Town is doing their part by not watering the ball fields or any of the parks.“
   Keeping in mind the requirement, per the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, to deliver safe drinking water, the Town of Kearny needs to flush the system to keep the water distribution system clean and chlorine residuals at the proper levels. The amount of water flushed in past years during this process was 300 thousand to 450 thousand gallons. The flush, this time, will take only as long as necessary to clear the lateral lines that feeds the hydrant. This will save thousands of gallons and also man hours, with an estimated 35 to 50 thousand gallons flushed, which is made possible because there is not the manganese in the system which caused black water in years past.

  Water conservation remains the best defense against increased water costs and mandatory water restrictions. Water usage naturally spikes during the summer months, due primarily to increased water irrigation.  Residents are urged to curb their water usage during the summer months, refraining from watering their lawn during peak hours. Reducing lawn irrigation offers the most potential in reducing water usage, but, there are other measures that can yield a significant difference in total water consumption. Even minor leaks can account for hundreds of gallons of wasted water per month.

  The Town of Kearny representative stated, “We hope all residents will join us in participating and promoting water conservation, a worthwhile cause in any event. As a community, we can really make a difference and ensure a minimum impact on each of us in this drought alter season. If everyone cooperates, then mandatory water restrictions may not be necessary in the future. The Town is urging you to conserve water at this time.”

  Response measures will emphasize reduced lawn irrigation, leak detection, and reducing outdoor usage. This will also result in cost savings to you and this will help the town not reach their maximum water apportionment that has been reduced at this time.