Cravings are natural and come from the deep desires of the heart.  Many Scriptures refer to them as carnal or evil and outside of God’s will for us.  Yet, 1 Peter 2:2 tells us to crave pure spiritual milk – the goodness of the Lord, so that we will grow in our salvation.

  What we crave, we will go after, what we desire we will diligently look for.  It becomes our primary purpose to acquire said item and not give up in our pursuit of it.

  Grace and peace can be ours in abundance as long as we strive to increase our knowledge of God.  That means we are to read and study the Bible, spend time in prayer and worship the Lord from our heart.

  His divine power and love will provide everything we need for living a life of true godliness.  Freedom from an empty life style will give us hope and the courage to press forward, resulting in an eternal home in heaven with Jesus!