Spalding Computer Service and Repair

Are you frustrated by technology? Is your computer or tablet running slow?  Are you worried that you might have a virus on your computer? 

  Superior now has a new business that can help you with both residential and commercial technology needs.  That business is Spalding Computer Services & Repair.

  Robert and Esmeralda “Ezzy” Spalding recently opened their computer repair shop inside of Links of Superior at 230 Main St. in Downtown Superior.  The couple originally was planning to build their business in Globe, however after attending a Second Friday event and meeting all the friendly people of Superior, they decided to base their business in Superior. 

  “Everyone in Superior is so warm and friendly,” said Ezzy. 

  The couple has been living in Globe for two years and is hoping to make Superior their home soon.  Their service area includes the Copper Area communities of Globe, Miami, Kearny, Hayden and Winkelman along with Apache Junction, Queen Valley and Gold Canyon.  They appreciate the support that the Superior Chamber of Commerce has given them. 

  “They encouraged us to meet the team at Links,” said Ezzy.

  Robert began learning about computer repair at a very young age with his father.  He became hooked on computer repair after buying a used computer at a thrift store, he tinkered with it eventually fully repairing the machine and optimizing its overall performance.  He has been repairing computers ever since, about 15 years he explained.

  What they most like about their business is being able to help people.  They specialize in helping those less tech savvy with their technology needs.  They can remove viruses, restore systems. 

  “We love seeing people happy once their systems are back up and running. Especially small businesses,” explained Ezzy. 

  “Many people think they have lost photos or music, and we can usually restore their system to retrieve those items,” said Robert.

  Their mission: “We believe that whether you are 18 or 81, everyone deserves to feel like they’re being treated with kindness and respect. Unfortunately, that’s rarely the case in the world of I.T. today. A lot of people think I.T. specialists are a bunch of stuck-up nerds who believe they’re better than the people they are attempting to help. Not with us! At Spalding Computer Service and Repair, we love to teach and help our residential and commercial customers, while always giving fast and friendly service.”

  They hope to expand their business services to include computer sales along with computer repair.  They can also do house calls to install computer equipment and printers.  Their focus is on their customer and helping them to get their systems up and running quickly.

  Their advice to fellow business owners and future entrepreneurs:

  “Love what you do, and enjoy helping people,” said Robert. 

  “Don’t be afraid to listen to the advice of others,” said Ezzy.  “Some of the best business advice we have received has been from our customers.”

  You can find Spalding Computer Services & Repair at 230 Main St. inside of Links of Superior.  They can be reached via phone at (480) 269-1243.