Artists work at the Triangle L Ranch in Oracle for the Global Art Project for Peace.

  On Sunday, March 10, 2018, a group of local artists gathered at the Triangle L Ranch in Oracle to participate in the 13th Biennial, Global Art Project for Peace.

  Sharon Holnback, owner of the Triangle L, registered the group with the Project. The intent of the project was to create one’s vision or message of global peace and goodwill to exchange with another person or group. 

  “The Global Art Project matches participants around the world – connecting people in the spirit of unity without regard for race, culture, gender, nationality, age, belief, sophistication, or any of the categories which separate and divide – joining all together in the spirit of wholeness,” explained Holnback.

  The artwork will be on display at the Triangle L Ranch in April including during the Oracle Studio Art Tour. The week of April 23 – 30, the work will be shipped to the group that Oracle has been matched with. Messages of peace will be simultaneously circling the globe. Oracle will be sending some love!