Mountain Shadows Presbyterian Church Holy Week Services will begin on Palm Sunday, March 25, 10 a.m. Palms will be offered to all worshippers, and a procession will precede the worship service led by Pastor Rachel Srubas, and supported by music under the direction of Charmaine Piane Dame, Director of Music.
Maundy Thursday worship on March 29 will be a solemn remembrance of Christ’s final night , with a 5 p.m. service and Holy Communion, followed by a soup supper.
Easter Sunday will start with a joyous 8 a.m. worship service outdoors, featuring Holy Communion and special music. An the identical worship service will be held in the sanctuary at 10 a.m.
MSPC is located at 14240 N. Oracle Road in Catalina. Celebrate this Holy Week and Easter with us, a church centered in Christ and caring for community. More information can be obtained from our website or find us on Facebook. If needed, call 520-825-7858.