In 1 Corinthians 3:1, we find the Apostle Paul saying:  “I could not speak to you as to spiritual adults, but as to babes in Christ.”  Even though you are an adult physically, you are still a spiritual child.

  Just as our physical side grows, we are expected as Christians to grow up spiritually.  We would be highly concerned if our child never grew but stayed the same for years.

  In 2 Timothy 2:2, we hear about faithful people who are able to teach others.  This is a sign of maturity – taking responsibility and being able to pass it on to others – growing up!

  Paul trained other people who then moved forward into maturity.  They were motivated to adulthood, able to help others needing to grow as well.  So where are you?  Have you reached the position of being a believer in God that others look to for guidance and answers?  That is your destiny – go for it!