Cell phone lockers in the school office.

  The Mammoth-San Manuel School District has in place a new cell phone policy. Electronic devices, if brought to the San Manuel Jr./Sr. High School campus, must be turned off and placed in individual lockers during school hours.

  The lockers are located at the main office and separated by grade and marked with the student’s name and ID number. The lockers are only accessed by the administration. Only four people are assigned to control access to the locker room. No other staff or students are allowed in the locker room.

  Flyers were sent out to parents before the Christmas break notifying them of the policy.

  The policy is intended to “keep the kids focused on the classroom,” said Superintendent/Principal Julie Dale-Scott. “They should not be distracted or use the phones to meet up with other students during school hours.”
  “Parents,” she added, “have a responsibility to work with the school to enforce policy. We want their parents engaged with us to support the policy.”

  There are consequences for kids misusing the phones and violating policy. The first time violation results in the parents having to pick up the phone. The second violation consequence is an automatic In School Suspension and confiscation of the phone which the parent must pick up. On the third violation, the phone will be confiscated and the student will serve a Saturday school suspension and must perform community service at the school’s discretion.    

Cell phone lockers in the school office.