Ray Unified School District Governing Board tackled some tough issues at its January Board meeting.

  In the Executive Session (private, secret session) the agenda read that the board would discuss “Personnel, Assignment.” The agenda did not disclose which personnel were to be discussed in this Executive Session.  The board returned to open session and voted to terminate the business manager Amanda Kelley and accept the resignation of Christopher Ervin. 

  In a phone interview, Superintendent Curt Cook explained that Amanda Kelley had been the business manager with the Ray School District since 2015.  Prior to her employment with the district, she had been elected to the Ray Schools Governing Board, a position she resigned to be employed by the district. 

  Cook explained that she was terminated due to violation of school policy and this violation is under investigation by the Attorney General – Schools Division.  At press time information from the Attorney General office has not been received as to the alleged policy violation or nature of the investigation.

  Unrelated to the investigation and termination of Ms. Kelley, the board also voted, following the Executive Session, to accept the resignation of Christopher Ervin who unexpectedly submitted his resignation via a brief letter and turned in his keys.  No further details were listed as to his resignation.  Ervin served as a Junior/Senior High School Science Teacher and also held the roles of Dean of Students and Athletic Director for the Junior/Senior High School. 

  Joann Warren has returned to the district under a special contract to serve as the Interim Business Manager.  Mr. Ramon Rubalcaba, a beloved retired teacher at the Ray Unified School District, has also been re-hired to finish the school year for the science classes.  Mr. Cook will assume the duties of Dean of Students and Athletic Director through his position as Superintendent/Junior-Senior High Principal.