HLI Copper Corridor Class of 2017

  The Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition has partnered with Valle del Sol for the past three years to host the Hispanic Leadership Institute (HLI-Copper Corridor). This year the 10 week course was held at the Central Arizona College Aravaipa Campus.

  During the program the participants learn about how to work with the media, they learn about the governance of non-profit organizations and how local and county governments work.  They also focus on setting their own interpersonal and professional leadership goals. 

  The CCEDC has been the driving force in bringing this program to the area.  The future of the region will depend on strong leaders to serve in each of the communities throughout the Corridor,

  “I am extremely grateful to have HLI in the Copper Corridor.  The program is extremely helpful in recognizing, developing and enhancing  the talent that already exists in the area to become more focused on serving the residents in the Copper Corridor,” said Pinal County Supervisor Pete Rios.

  The CCEDC is the community supporter for the program and the program was sponsored through financial support from Freeport McMoRan and Resolution Copper along with scholarships sponsored by ASARCO, Capstone and KGHM.

  Valle del Sol has been developing leaders across the state for many years. The Copper Corridor program is one of their newest programs in the state.  The 2017 class is the fourth class to graduate from HLI Copper Corridor.

“HLI Copper Corridor is the newest Hispanic Leadership Institute program, and perhaps has become one of the most important,” said Adam Falk, the HLI program director. “In just 10 weeks, leaders from across the Copper Corridor have the chance to learn more about the issues facing this region and to meet the people working on those issues. Participants take part in activities that help them to embrace their abilities, and are given the skills to ‘activate’ their leadership potential directly after finishing the program. The alumni are not only the next generation of Copper Corridor leaders, they are today’s leaders helping to shape and drive the future of the communities they serve.”

  In November, the Class of 2017 HLI-Copper Corridor graduated from the program.  Participants graduating included Tino Flores or Kearny, Tomas Sublosky of Hayden, Christie Cothrun of Miami, Ruben Castro of Superior, Lisa Brazil of Globe, Nancy Hinojos of Kearny, Louie “Chacho” Bracamonte of Winkelman and Jesse Leetham of Globe, Lillian Martinez of Dudleyville and Shelbi Lindesmith of Globe.

The Pete Rios Leadership Award was presented to Maria Munoz. Pictured, from left, are Mila Besich-Lira, Maria Munoz, Brian Seppala and Adam Falk.

  During the graduation there are several awards given out to local leaders.  This year the Pete Rios Leadership award was awarded to Maria Munoz.  Maria is a instrumental leader throughout the Copper Corridor.  She is an Academic Advisor for CAC where she travels throughout the Copper Corridor to help local students transition into higher education. She is the Vice Mayor of Hayden and is the treasurer of the CCEDC. 

  “Maria is a leader that everyone can count on,” said Mila Besich-Lira as she presented the award. “She is more than a leader – she is a friend, a sister and a daughter that many people depend on.” 

Michael Montiel was awarded the Magallanez Award. Pictured from left are Adam Falk, Michael Montiel and Elizabeth and Max Magallanez.

  A new award this year was the Magallanez Family HLI-Alumni Award.  This award was named in honor of the family of Max and Elizabeth Magallanez.  Elizabeth and her family have been active participants in the HLI-Copper Corridor program.  This year’s HLI-Alumni Award was awarded to Mike Montiel.  Mike was recognized for his ongoing support of Veteran advocacy throughout the Copper Corridor and his efforts in developing a school garden at the elementary school in Superior.  The Magallanez family was also very honored to have an award named after their family. 

  The 2018 HLI-Copper Corridor program will be held in the Globe/Miami area and will begin in late September.  Applications will be open in the spring for the 2018 class.  For more information on the HLI-Copper Corridor program, contact the CCEDC at 520-490-8433.