Bob Jones Museum

In today’s era, every last minute of what we do is recorded.  It is shared, tweeted, snapped … by now you probably get it.  Facebook reminds you what you were doing a year ago, who did you take a photo of, where did you go.  Gone are the days of waiting a week for your vacation photos to develop – your story is recorded somewhere instantly.  But how do we delve back into our past? How do we learn from the generations that came before us?  We rely on recorded history. If you are watching a docudrama television show or a movie about about a historical event, all of the content has to be researched and that history must preserved for future generations.

Inside the Bob Jones Museum

  Superior’s history is kept, recorded and maintained by a non-profit organization known as the Superior Historical Society.  The society was founded in the late 1980s after the Superior Museum Association closed.  The Superior Historical Society worked with the Town of Superior to develop the Bob Jones Museum at 300 Main St. in Superior.  The home of the museum was the home of former Governor Bob Jones, who was Arizona’s sixth Governor.  After much hard work and financial investment by donors to the museum, Superior finally had a home for the history of the community.  Another project that the Superior Historical Society collaborated and constructed was the Mining History Trail and the Copper Corridor Ore Cart public art tribute to miners at the US 60 Park.  As Superior becomes more of a visitor destination, the museum becomes a corner stone of of the downtown attractions.

  What does this organization need: The historical museum is run completely by volunteers, their board members and members of the organization.  Society President Richard Hing explained that the group needs more volunteers to help keep the museum open and help with fundraisers.  Currently the only income that the museum received are the annual dues from members, profits from their cookbook and history DVD sales and donations that are received by visitors to the museum.  Membership to the society is $15 for individuals or $20 for family memberships, annually. Members receive a monthly newsletter highlighting activities at the museum and Superior history.  If you are interested in purchasing any of the Superior Historical Society items you can find them at the museum. 

  Maybe your New Year’s resolution is to get more involved in the community or learn more about the Town. Consider volunteering with he Superior Historical Society. 

  The museum is open Wednesday, Friday and Saturday from noon to 3 p.m.

Bob Jones Museum

Bob Jones Museum

Bob Jones Museum